It has come to my attention that my Flat Head article has now become one on Butt Cracks!! I would like to say that having a flat head is in no way related to having a butt crack swirl on your head. Everyone has a crown/swirl (or bald spot which it has been called) at the top of the head and no matter how flat or round your head is, the swirl is still there. Sometimes the swirl can make the head look flatter because of the way or direction in which the swirl moves.
Dekkos Daily Grind – Minnie
I would like to share some of the work we do on a daily basis in Dekko salon. Here’s a before and after client.
Minnie came in and was fed up of her long hair, she needed to look more professional as she was going to be practicing Law. She also needed to be able to loosen it up a bit after work, so she wanted to be given a versatile look that she could play around with.
Here’s Minnie before the haircut.
We decided to cut the hair to jaw level and because her hair is quite fine we graduated the back so it would lift the hair up and make it appear thicker. The ends were chopped into to give the hair more movement and then we gave her a more definite fringe to make the look stronger.
The look of a lawyer!
After applying some extra hair products we gave her a more casual messy look.
Thanks Minnie.
For Minnie’s look, the hair was cut using scissors, her hair was too fine to use other tools such as the razor or thinning scissors. All the edges were cut with texture with no blunt lines, this is to create softness rather than a hard look.
For the neat look Prive Weightless Amplifier was used.
And for the messy look we used Prive Texture Spray.
Hair 8-ft Long
Here’s an interesting article I found in a UK newspaper (Mail Online)………
Quote –‘As every woman knows, a bad hair day can pretty much ruin your entire mood. But for Cheng Shiquin, they must be devastating. Shiquin owns a beauty parlour – but somehow manged to avoid a haircut for the last 16 years. She was pictured showing off her hair – which is 8 feet long – in south west China’s Chongqing municipality this week. It take 2 hours to wash her hair and another hour to comb it.’
‘Despite the extreme lengths Shiquin has gone to in order to achieve her long locks, she does not hold the record for the world’s longest hair. That title belongs to another Chinese woman – XieQiuping. Her hair is a mind-boggling 10 feet longer than Shiquin’s, measuring 18.5ft in 2004. She began growing it in 1973 at the age of 13.’
Here’s my very own measly 3.5 feet of hair in comparison to Shiquin ……
Read full article:
Dekko Salon
I just want to say how great it is to be working in Dekko Salon with all the fab staff in there. And we have sooooooo many cool clients who come in and let me take their photos. This makes it all the more possible for me to be writing this blog with the help of our great stylists Jill, Joni, Jodi, Lucky and whoever else wants to help. Thank You girls……
And of course, lets not forget Claudia, tech support!
Hair Clippings
Ever wondered what we can do with all that cut hair that salons produce on a daily basis?
Well, one of the most environmentally friendly things that salons can do is to donate their hair clippings to a company called Matter Of Trust. They use the clippings to create mats (see pic below) that will then be used to soak up oil spills!!
Fab idea eh?
For more details visit
Asian Head Shapes
I’ve always wondered why so many Asian babies have flat head shapes?????????? Can anyone tell me????
- jill said…
- It was my understanding that in most asian cultures newborn babies were laid down on their back so the back of their heads developed that way. In western cultures, babies were more often laid on their bellies. I’m not so sure if these customs follow anymore. Truth or fiction, you decide.
- March 27, 2009 8:00 AM
- Joni Shibata Phillips said…
- is this why i have a flat head and try as i might i will never have a bouf? and maybe also why i have a “buttcrack” swirl?
- March 28, 2009 11:20 PM
- JuJu said…
- Yeah, I have one of those too!!!
- March 28, 2009 11:34 PM
- it’s me …Twinkie Chan! said…
- tease your cracks away!
- March 30, 2009 12:31 AM
- jennifer said…
- OMG!!! i always thought i was the only one with a butt crack on my head!!!!
- April 4, 2009 10:53 PM

- Anonymous said…
- I’m not asian and I have this. Most babies these days sleep on their backs anyway..doesn’t matter if you’re asian or not. There has been research that babies who sleep on their stomachs have higher risk of cot death. SIDS are greatly reduced when the baby is put on its back. So a great majority should have flat heads..and people don’t. I think it’s genetic. My cousin does not have a flat head at all, and as a baby, he always sleeps on his back.
- November 4, 2009 9:00 AM
Cool Mops of the Week
Heres some good looking hair around town,
I’ll be updating this section every so often, so
if you think you have great hair and looks
and you think you should be included, forward
me a picture to my e-mail address:
Hair Donations
Growing out your hair, for a good cause is becoming more and more favoured by many people. Donating your hair to make wigs for cancer victims as well as other medical conditions that causes hair loss is one of the most personally satisfying and rewarding things that you could do with your hair.
Afew weeks ago, Emily Wang came into our salon and did just that, She had been growing her hair out for the past year so that she could make a donation to an organisation called LOCKS OF LOVE
Emily with her long locks before she came in for the big chop
Now before you all go running out to make your donations, its a good idea to do your homework first as there are some rules to hair donating….
Most of the organisations require you to have between 8 – 12 inches of hair, with some charities, colored (tinted) hair is acceptable but no bleach, perms or highlighted hair.
Here’s Emily holding her 10inches of hair.
Some organisations will not even accept grey hair. The reason why grey, permed, highlighted and bleached hair is not accepted is because these charities try to make their wigs as realistic as possible and need the hair to absorb color evenly and consistently, when the hair has been processed or not processed at all (as in grey hair) the color consistency is not even enough to achieve this look. Chemically processed hair is also too porous to hold the dyes used in the process and leads to fading in the wigs.
Some more hints for hair donations: Make sure you grow enough hair to cut it to your desired length as well as the 8 – 12 inches. If you don’t plan on having your finished result too short then please allow enough hair in between for bounce, and shaping of hair. You need to allow your stylists some lee-way to make sure your leftover hair is long enough to shape into your desired haircut.
With layered hair, the shortest layer also needs to be the required length otherwise it cannot be used.
Here are some some of the more popular charities:
Locks of Love – 10-12″ needed, color OK, no bleach
Wigs for Kids – 12″ needed, no color, perms, highlights or grey
Pantene Beautiful Lengths – 8″ needed, no color or bleach
Childhood Leukemia Foundation – 12″ needed, no color, no grey
Above are just guidelines for the different charities, please do some research for yourself before choosing the one that is right for you.
Meanwhile, Thanks to Emily for her donation as well as allowing me write about it for my blog!
Stylists Tips:
To cut the hair for hair donations, try not to tie your hair into one big ponytail at the back, this will usually result in cutting off too much at the back (leaving a hole that’s difficult to work from afterwards)and not enough from the front.
Of course, depending on the length you want to go to after the haircut, this will help you decide how to take the donated hair off.
If you want short hair all over as a finished result, you could tie small ponytails all around the head and cut them off.
If you want a graduated bob shape (where it sits up and in at the back) then one ponytail at the back is OK to do. (But still not the best method)
If you want longer chin length hair, then you could either tie around 4 or 5 low ponytails around the base of the hairline area Or you can hold and cut pieces off at a time without scrunching the hair together too much and then pass the hair onto someone who can hold them altogether with the roots in the same direction until you have cut it all off and then the hair can be tied together.
If the hair is layered, ponytails throughout the head is tied up and cut off.
With all methods, please do not tie or hold the hair too tightly as the hair will bounce and jump up with the tension.
Becoming Blonde
Starting with Jet Black hair….
to swampy colors….
Gone is the green, just a lovely shade of orange…
A lovely beige tone….
Finally… Blonde!!!!!
Just one more thing that is needed….. a ‘couldn’t care less’ attitude, because no matter how carefully its done, some of your hair WILL fall out, but hey who said beauty doesn’t come with some loss!!!
Stylists tips:
When considering bleaching your hair, remember the more red you have in your hair, the harder it will be to lift, and when hair has had black or brown tints applied, it has to be stripped first, so make sure the hair is strong enough to handle all the chemicals before you start. Even stripping of the hair first will not guarantee an even end result. Also if you don’t want a yellow/orangey tone to your hair, don’t forget to tone, toners are very important after bleaching to give you a more pleasing result, please consult your colorist before trying it, it will result in alot less heartache.
My Website
Just launched my website: Felt very proud to have my work put together on one site, showcasing most of my works. It feels like a ‘This Is Your Life Moment’
Special Thanks to the guys from ) for all their wonderful work, and putting up with all my questions and sorting through the many many images and videos I had.