
I first heard about this when one of my clients decided to go to New York to try this new technique called Microblading for sparse and thin eyebrows. Its a technique that creates more natural looking brows rather than the old type of tattooed brows that look blocky and faded.

A form of tattoo whereby the operator will use a special microblading pen (looks like an exacto knife to me) to draw individual strokes of hair to either fill, define, cover gaps or totally reconstruct to whatever shape is desired, ink is then added onto the lines to make it permanent. Here’s a picture taken from the popsugar.co.uk  to show you the look of the brows.

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Meanwhile I came across this article from the Revelist that shows that microblading has gone one step further to use on hairlines to fill in receding areas, this could be a game changer for all the ladies who are losing their hairlines either with age or pregnancy. Read the full story and more examples following the  link below…


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