The internet is buzzing about the new Dyson Hairdryer at the moment, invented by Sir James Dyson, the British designer and engineer.
Excerpt taken from
‘Dyson’s long-awaited “silent” hair dryer, unveiled in April, is powered by a small, light motor that makes it quieter and more compact than current appliances
Dyson said there were 103 engineers involved in the creation of the Supersonic, which included the taming of over 1,010 miles of human hair tresses and 7,000 acoustic tests as teams tackled three core issues: noise, weight and speed.’
I have yet to try it, and have been waiting for the reviews to come in, I came across this little video which I thought was hilarious, and it certainly beats the video used to promote the dryer with a woman drying her hair carelessly while sat on a bed with a leather headboard! (like we all do dry our hair like that)
This video say ‘powerful enough to blow your lips open’ Haha!
Meanwhile, heres a guide of the Best hair Dryers in 2017 as reviewed by