UK Cool Mops (or Not!)

So when I go to the UK (England) I usually get soo excited and stimulated by all the different styles, whether in clothing or in hair, so you can imagine my disappointment this time when I didnt see my usual inspirations! I was hoping to come home with lots of pictures to show you of great hair, but alas, it was not meant to be, I managed to find 4 people who were willing to let me take shots of their hair. But never mind.. what I lacked in pictures of hair, I made up with pictures of great scenery and food : )
I found UK to be like everywhere else in the world this time and I think the world is becoming like ONE, you can find just about everything everywhere, not much individuality left in this world : (
So whether the world really is merging or whether it was just the fact that I was only in London for 3days and I was soo busy shopping that all the cool hair was just passing me by, I’m not sure! But enjoy anyway!

Ombre Color….

The latest color technique Ombre is such a huge trend right now both in the US and the UK.

‘Ombre’ is an French word meaning ‘shaded’, it means colors graduating from light to dark, or from one color to another. It can refer to yarn dye or in printing.

In terms of hair color, the main idea is to go from darker roots to lighter ends, altho some go from lighter roots to darker ends, Colors can range from mainstream subtle to crazier colors. Personally I think this may have come about because people became too lazy or ‘skint’ to have their roots done as often as they usually do, so it became a trend when people like Drew Barrymore and Alexa Chung started sporting this look and ending up so hip with it, that everyone wanted to follow suit…

The original hip trendsetters..

Here’s some more examples of different Ombre coloring:

My Pick ~ Block Color

I chose this because I Love the color combination…

My Pick 9 Unfortunately because I found this picture in a hair magazine, I don’t know who did the color so I cant even give them credit for it : (

But as you can see, the absolute perfection involved in doing this just to create the clean lines and perfect shades in color is amazing, no bleeding of colors, straight lines and perfect shade of blonde.

Hey… in fact, its so perfect that I hope it hasn’t been touched up afterwards !!!!

China Boys

Want to say a big thanks to David Yu for taken these great pictures in China and allowing us to post them and see what styles are hip and happening for the boys in the streets of China.

Cheers David : ) Keep them coming on your travels.

How to NOT look like a Japanese or Canto Popstar….

After living in Asia for several years, one of the things I noticed was how unattractive guys with longer hair looked. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against guys with longer hair, in fact I love it normally, so why is it I found these guys to be so unappealing?

After careful studies of haircutting and techniques and style in Asia I came to a conclusion that satisfies my query.

The method to hair cutting that is predominantly used in Asia is done with a razor, as we all know the razor is a great tool to use on thick coarse hair but the problem arises when the hair is OVERly razored…. resulting in a Japanese or Canto popstar look!!!! (Canto stands for Cantonese)

No offense to these popstars but in my opinion, one should aspire to look more like a ‘rocker’ rather than a ‘Japanese/Canto Popstar’. Overly thinned hair not only looks dated but also too ‘girly’ and ‘feminine’, the exact opposite of what is desired. In other words – Passion Killers!! See below for examples of what I mean……

Now in order to achieve more of a rocker look, the hair should still be razored but in a more controlled way. Hair should look piecey and not too wispy, unkempt yet not gelled looking, done yet not look done! There is such a fine line between the 2 that to some peoples eyes, I could be just talking a load of rubbish, but for those in the know, those subtle and slight differences in hair techniques make or break a look.

And for me,(and I’m sure alot of other women) they make the difference between: Rocker V Japanese Popstar, Cool V Cheesy, Funky V Feminine, Good V Bad and Sexy V Ewww!!!! As seen below……

So for all you guys out there, make sure you ask your stylist to give you a style that give you all of the positive traits and not wonder why women/men are not looking your way !! You have been warned!