Dekko’s Daily Grind – Shelley

Shelley has had longer hair for a very quite some time and simply wanted to go shorter just for a change, but because Shelley always looks so great with her long hair, our challenge here was so to give her the change as well as keeping her looking as cute as ever!!



We cut several inches from the length of hair, we then cut square layers into the interior, making sure the layers on the crown area were short enough to give it a slightly rocker feel.We kept the ‘sweepy’ feel to the fringe but took it all alot shorter around the front to give it more movement and texture.

Thanks to Shelley for posing for us and yes she does look as cute as ever!

My Perms…

Now we’ve all been through some perms in our lifetime and if you haven’t your either VERY young or your lucky enough to have had natural curls!

I have certainly had my fair share of perms, especially being an experimental hairdresser In my ‘hey days’, we Asians could not live without them, and being raised in the UK, we were lucky if we didn’t get our hair fried off! Most of the hairdressers think of our hair types as coarse, thick and hard to wave, so they used the smallest rollers, the strongest lotions and left them on for maximum times!! Wrong! – even though we do have thick hair, it was amazingly easy to perm, so even the tiniest amount of wave was enough to show some movement.

But there again we all have aunts and grandmothers or even mothers who insist on having the smallest rollers to perm their hair as tight as possible to make it last longer and to make the most of their money!! Unfortunately all this did was make them look like they had an explosion on top of their heads and make the hair look thinner as the hair stood out from the head, showing scalp!

Perms have been off the scene for a long time now, but personally I still like them on certain occasions,(to add movement and funkiness) I tend to recommend my clients go to Asian hairdressers to do them becos they are so much more experienced (becos they have still continued with them) or to have it done in Asia when they are there, to try out the latest techniques.

One day maybe they will become popular again here but hopefully without the smelly lotions!

Anyway I felt the need to share with you my 70’s, 80’s an 90’s perms, even though I may regret putting some of these images out there but hey, what the hell!!

Here’s the 70’s:


And 90’s:

If you have any perms of your own you would like to share with me, please do so : )

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Dekko’s Daily Grind- Haydee

Sharing some more salon work with you…

Haydee came into the salon and her hair was way overgrown. Her hair is thick and heavy but had some movement to it. Her complaint was that it always seemed too heavy and the front piece was always hanging over her face.

We decided to razor the the hair throughout and we took of the front piece so it didn’t hang in her eyes constantly. We also shortened the whole haircut so it looked abit fresher and perkier.

Thanks Haydee for posing for us.

Non Stripping Shampoos..

WEN – Cleansing Conditioners

This line of products was developed by Chaz Dean, who specializes in color in LA, he developed them without any harsh chemicals which normally leave the hair looking lifeless and limp.

I’m recommending this line as I had just posted an article about not shampooing hair and just using conditioner, this line of products are based on this whole idea.

I have tried this product and have found it to leave the hair with a great texture. I tried a couple of the different types, one being perfect and the other being a little on the heavy side. So the secret is to find the one most suitable for you. They even have a trial package of all of the different types which is great so you can try them all out before deciding.

WEN 2Wen’s line of cleansing conditioners…..

Hair Facts…No Shampoo?

Not Shampooing Hair…..

Did you know that if you stop shampooing your hair and just either wet it or simply use conditioner, it will eventually ‘self cleanse’, the smell with go away and you will be left with non frizzy, healthy textured hair?

This works particularly well with textured hair, whether wavy or curly. Shampoo takes away natural oils and therefore leave the hair slightly frizzy. By using only conditioner or water, this helps keep the hair ‘together’ eliminating frizz.

So, if you can handle the itchy, smelly initial 2 weeks,(without losing your friends) then congratulations for having great hair.

Hair Facts…

Q. Why is it, curly hair never looks quite as shiny as straight hair does?


A. Curly hair never appears to be as shiny as straight because when the light hits the waves/curls, the light is diffused from hitting all the different angles of the hair. In straight hair the light hits the hair and reflects the light evenly making the hair appear shinier.

The same can be said for hair that has been damaged or porous, when the hair is damaged, the cuticles lay open and not flat, therefore the light is again diffused with the angles of the cuticles, hair in good condition  has flat cuticles so when the light hits, it reflects the light evenly.

For Curly or Wavy Hair

TIGI Catwalk – Curls Rock:

I found this product for Amplifying Curls to be pretty good . The consistency is soft enough that it is easy to spread throughout the head evenly, altho I would avoid putting it too close to the roots as it might cling it together too much. It definitely holds the curl well but may be too heavy on finer hair. The end result leaves the hair a little on the hard side until it is shaken loose, but the curls/waves are definitely more precise and pronounced.